
Tag: canada

Canada: It’s a Beauty Way to Go…Maybe (part IV)

Canada: It’s a Beauty Way to Go…Maybe (part IV)

It grew harder and harder to see how would could ever stay long-term, and our experience renting made that path less than attractive. I tested the job market via a head hunter and soon had multiple interviews lined up with financial firms. A job for me might not get us residency, but could, perhaps, help us afford a house with a mortgage that I could leave to Things #1 and #2 to sort out once I was gone. Just after I finished cleaning up my C.V., the headhunter, a bit sheepish, called back and said everything was cancelled. No Canadian employers wanted to hire anyone who wasn’t already a permanent resident. The C.V. and it’s creative grasp of reality went back into the drawer.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira