Man Does Not Fly, or Build Canals, In the Land of Momotombo
The fear-mongering strategy worked. The canal was indeed built in Panama. A drawing defeated one canal in favor of another.
The fear-mongering strategy worked. The canal was indeed built in Panama. A drawing defeated one canal in favor of another.
Reflexioné brevemente sobre si mi arresto me llevaría finalmente a cruzar la frontera o si todo lo que estaba trabajando era una prohibición permanente por parte de Panamá. Me fui. Me despedí por última vez de los amables chicos del parqueo de la ferretería y conduje unos 20 minutos en dirección a casa, intentando pensar en mis próximos pasos. Había salido de mi casa a las 6:00 a.m. Ahora se acercaban las 5:00 p.m.
I briefly pondered whether or not my arrest would finally get me across the border or if all I was working on was a permanent ban by Panama. I left. I waived a final goodbye to the nice guys in the hardware store parking lot and drove about 20 minutes in the general direction of home, trying to think through my next steps. I’d left my house at 6:00 a.m. It was now closing in on 5:00 p.m.