I have, at long last, published What Lurks Beneath–the horror/suspense novel that I started over two years ago. While I was accustomed to producing articles as part of my old life in the financial world (doing things that still defy description, or interest) I had not realized just how hard it is to take an idea to fruition in a vehicle as long as a novel.
Further, as my years increase my sleep has gone the opposite direction so much of what I penned for “What Lurks Beneath”came in the wee hours of the night as I struggled with insomnia. At times this was quite productive in terms of the pages written, but I wrote whatever came to me without regard to the timeline within the narrative. Editing, therefore, ended up taking far more time than the actual writing. Here in our adopted country of Costa Rica a jigsaw puzzle is called a rompe cabeza. What Lurks Beneath was definitely that...
What is it about? I should probably take a minute to provide a summary of the narrative that was so painful to create:
The tortures of the daily routine of big city life dwell on David Reynolds, likely driving him to an early grave. Only the sanctity of his ‘farm’ in central Texas gives him respite–but that changes when he witnesses a series of odd, evil events. Something is challenging his ranking as the top predator at his farm or, even worse, he is losing his mind.
Lastly, many of you might read more into this than exists so, upfront, please let me confirm that this is a work of fiction. Yes, I had a job that dominated my life and, yes, I owned a small chunk of sandy land in Brenham. That’s where the similarities end.
Much like my other novel, Will of the Hill, this is meant to be the first of a series. I have already sketched out the story lines of the next two installments of What Lurks Beneath (what I’m calling the “Census Series”). I do plan on continuing this story, and feedback/demand will likely dictate which series I update first.
I hope you like it — and if you do please do post a nice review (and for those of you who have already read Will of the Hill I pretty please need some more reviews on Amazon on Goodreads).
Links on the Amazon site for the paperback and Kindle versions for What Lurks Beneath are here: