
Tag: what lurks beneath

Census Book Two Available Tomorrow

Census Book Two Available Tomorrow

The farm (and its ants) was the inspiration for my first novel in the Census series. It’s been a few years since the first one was published. I’m glad to say that, courtesy of some downtime in oddly ant-free Portland, OR, I just finished the second installment in the series—CENSUS: What Lurks Beneath Book Two — Pacing

What Lurks Beneath — Now Available!

What Lurks Beneath — Now Available!

The tortures of the daily routine of big city life dwell on David Reynolds, likely driving him to an early grave. Only the sanctity of his ‘farm’ in central Texas gives him respite–but that changes when he witnesses a series of odd, evil events. Something is challenging his ranking as the top predator at his farm or, even worse, he is losing his mind.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira