
Tag: money market

A Turtle With a Piano on it’s Back

A Turtle With a Piano on it’s Back

Stable value funds are soap box racers that now face constraints that will limit their top speed. Our money market funds will soon have the performance attributes of a pinewood derby car dressed up as a turtle, with a smallish piano on its back. I haven’t read the official pinewood derby rule book as of yet, but this does not sound like a winning configuration.

It is What it is But it isn’t What it Ain’t

It is What it is But it isn’t What it Ain’t

A number of money market funds already post their actual daily asset values. Floating NAV money market funds have been in place for several years in Europe. As this latest reform essentially only involves about a third of the money market universe (prime funds) and will be phased in over two years it is hard to predict what impact this will have – particularly with the dearth of available options for those looking for what they believe to be a risk-free rate of return.

Bathing in Risk – the 90 Day Equity Wash

Bathing in Risk – the 90 Day Equity Wash

The takeaway for investors is that the paranoia on the part of the stable value managers has resulted in real life limitations. Many employers will offer only a stable value or money market option – not both. If there is no competing option, then there is no need for an equity wash.

What is a Stable Value Fund?

What is a Stable Value Fund?

Stable value and money market funds have more differences than similarities. These differences do not necessarily make one better than the other but it is fair to say that the average stable value fund should credit a higher rate of interest than the average money market fund over the long haul.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira