
Tag: pura vida

¿Estás seguro? — en español

¿Estás seguro? — en español

Me dio una mirada que había recibido muchas veces antes. Una mirada que decía: “Si no hay una regla específica en contra, ¿por qué no debería hacerlo?” En este caso, eso significaba que estuvo bloqueando un lado de esta calle angosta pero con mucho tráfico durante un par de semanas mientras el contenido del remolque estuvo expuesto al calor, la lluvia y los insectos que llaman hogar a Houston.

Are You Sure?

Are You Sure?

Our boulders, however long they are with us, may keep a tourist from driving off into the abyss. Like the horse trailer, they have turned the road into a complicated, one-lane affair where participants, including the public bus and the huge milk trucks, freely debate who has the right of way. Erosion, however, is not a process healed by time. Pura Vida may dictate that everyone just get used to the notion of driving around tape-laden boulders for the foreseeable future, but gravity likely has other, more compelling ideas.

The Island Life

The Island Life

I leaned forward and asked the cab driver, in broken Spanish, “Why are the sewers on fire?”

Without missing a beat he said that the sewers held a lot of methane gas.

I squinted at the rubble all around us where a city used to be.

“What happened to … everything?”

He again replied matter of factly, “Well, there was the earthquake, the civil war and, of course, the hurricane…”

‘Pura vida’ en una misión: Monteverde se recupera de la tormenta tropical Nate

‘Pura vida’ en una misión: Monteverde se recupera de la tormenta tropical Nate

Ahora, en tiempos de crisis, las personas quieren compartir información que han escuchado. Ellos quieren ser útiles. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de las veces esta información solo es un chisme que escucharon de otra persona que ya se ha expandido varias veces antes de llegar a ellos.

Guns, Animal Shelters and Steel Jackets

Guns, Animal Shelters and Steel Jackets

Goofball is usually dressed in a sniper’s camouflage suit — the kind where the sniper sneaks up on his target slowly, in plain view, because he’s wearing a the equivalent of a burka grassy field. In the unlikely event that Goofball’s camouflage worked and you didn’t see him standing by the side of the road, he also sported an oversized, fake hand gun painted orange in a holster on his hip and twirled a sign touting the availability of a concealed hand gun licenses.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira